Clinical, malnutrition, NHS, severe ME

Malnutrition and ME/CFS: the NHS is still getting it wrong.

This article was updated 13 February 2024. It's happening again. The young woman was so weak she could barely tap out a few words from her hospital bed, but she wanted to let the outside world know what was happening to her. The doctors had decided to take away her NG tube. They'd decided her… Continue reading Malnutrition and ME/CFS: the NHS is still getting it wrong.


Might the NHS finally remove the harmful and outdated information on ME/CFS from its website?

NHS logo. The NHS website information page on ME/CFS has so many problems, it's hard to know where to start. The overall picture it gives of the illness is trivialising - for instance it lists the main symptom as "extreme tiredness", which is not an accurate reflection of this serious multisystem illness characterised by a… Continue reading Might the NHS finally remove the harmful and outdated information on ME/CFS from its website?

medical education, NHS

Response to the government’s interim plan for ME/CFS

The UK government's Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has published its interim plan for ME/CFS, which is open for consultation until 4 October. Our response refers only to the 'Attitudes and Education of Medical Professionals' section of the plan. ME Research UK has published a fantastic response to the 'Research' section of the… Continue reading Response to the government’s interim plan for ME/CFS

Clinical, NHS

Job advert shows that NHS trust flouts NICE guidance

The logo of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. A disturbing job advert has come to light which shows that outdated, unscientific and harmful attitudes to ME/CFS are still alive and well in the NHS. The ad, for the Oxford University NHS Foundation Trust, is for a clinical psychologist to divide their time between… Continue reading Job advert shows that NHS trust flouts NICE guidance

severe ME, NHS

A life cut short by medical neglect: interview with Sarah Boothby, whose daughter Maeve died at 27 of severe ME/CFS

I spoke with Sarah Boothby over zoom on 19 May, 2023. Our discussion was wide-ranging, and I've cut down and rearranged what was said for length and clarity. Maeve's story is profoundly upsetting, and discretion is advised. Maeve Boothby-O'Neil. I requested a photo and received this with the note: "She did not want to be… Continue reading A life cut short by medical neglect: interview with Sarah Boothby, whose daughter Maeve died at 27 of severe ME/CFS

medical education, NHS

The NHS must provide mandatory training on ME/CFS – our submission to the APPG

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis will be meeting later this month, and we've submitted a short statement for their consideration, which is also pasted below. Please urge the NHS to provide mandatory training on ME/CFS to doctors. Most doctors receive no training on ME/CFS, either during their time at medical school or after,… Continue reading The NHS must provide mandatory training on ME/CFS – our submission to the APPG