About us

The ME/CFS Medical Education Campaign aims to encourage evidence-based medical education on ME/CFS by raising awareness among medical students, medical educators and institutions, by sharing educational materials, and by connecting educators with experts in the field.

The current situation is that UK medical education on ME/CFS is of low quality or non-existent, and clinicians have little knowledge of the condition. Patients routinely receive an unacceptably low standard of medical care. Read more about the problems we aim to solve.

Our goals are:

  • For every undergraduate medical student to receive high-quality, up-to-date, evidence-based, and comprehensive training on ME/CFS.
  • For every doctor to receive basic training on ME/CFS enabling them to recognize the condition, make a provisional diagnosis, give advice on illness management, and understand the needs of patients with severe ME/CFS.

We’re based in the UK and our main focus is on our particular UK context, but we aim to provide resources that will be useful to clinicians, educators and students overseas as well.